The International Fact-Checking Network at the Poynter Institute, a global leader in journalistic excellence, is launching a new grant writing course designed specifically for journalists and fact-checkers.

The online course guides participants through the components of applying for grants from various funding sources. It was developed by the staff of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) working with subject matter experts from the Center for Sustainable Media, a media consulting firm based in Budapest, Hungary.

A self-paced course designed to be completed at any time, this free online training includes a certificate of completion for those who finish all four modules. Journalists and fact-checkers looking to secure grant funding are encouraged to participate. 

The course modules include sections on common grant application elements including narratives, monitoring and evaluation, and budgeting. It also guides journalists through developing their own organization’s strategic goals; deciding on which grant opportunities to pursue (and which to avoid); crafting compelling answers to common application questions; and creating ways to measure impact that are practical and achievable.  

“Applying for grants can be a challenge for news organizations, both big and small. We’re thrilled to offer this specialized training to help fact-checkers and journalists create compelling grant applications for a wide variety of funding opportunities,” said Angie Drobnic Holan, director of the IFCN. “This course launches at a time when grants have become key income sources for supporting public service journalism.” 

Peter Erdelyi, the founding director of the Center for Sustainable Media, added, “By demystifying the grant process, we hope to empower these organizations to secure the funding they need to continue producing vital public interest journalism.”

The course was developed with support from Meta, a supporter of several grant opportunities in conjunction with the IFCN over the years, including the Spread the Facts grant fund and the Legal Defense Fund for fact-checkers.

The course will be available ahead of GlobalFact 11, the world’s largest and most impactful fact-checking summit, taking place this year in Sarajevo. This event, scheduled for June 26 to 28, is hosted by the International Fact-Checking Network in partnership with Bosnian civil society organization Zašto ne and will feature an in-person introductory grants workshop.

Enroll in the course and explore Poynter’s other online offerings here. To learn more about the IFCN, visit

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The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter was launched in 2015 to bring together the growing community of fact-checkers around the world and advocates of…
The International Fact-Checking Network

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