How the ICIJ made sense of 11.9 million documents to publish the Pandora Papers 600+ journalists. 150 media outlets. 117 countries. ‘Can you imagine what we would do if we were properly funded?’ its director said. October 21, 2021 Elizabeth Djinis
Journalists are switching to freelance. 7 things they wish they knew first. When I started my writing business in January 2021, I thought I had already done a fair amount of research. And I had — but still I learned more. October 7, 2021 Elizabeth Djinis
Opinion | Why journalists are leaving their full-time media jobs to go freelance I left my newspaper job to freelance nine months ago. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. October 6, 2021 Elizabeth Djinis
Dear Abby, how have you stayed so popular for so long? Advice columns are having a moment. Chalk it up to their enduring value to readers and, increasingly, to news organizations’ bottom lines. July 19, 2021 Elizabeth Djinis
Is Substack the panacea local news is looking for? Local newsrooms have some competition — their own best beat reporters March 3, 2021 Elizabeth Djinis