Cicely Douglas

Director, South Sioux City Public Library


Cicely Douglas is the director of the South Sioux City Public Library in the City of South Sioux, where she oversees all library operations. A librarian for fifteen years, Cicely began her career working with children and teens, and moved to gain experience in adult reference, and teaching classes for seniors.

Cicely has a bachelor’s degree in cultural anthropology from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She enjoys learning about people and human interaction. An interest that originates from her multicultural Afro-Caribbean background with Latinx, European, and Indigenous roots.

Cicely received her master’s in library science from Florida State University. She has contributed to the field by writing book reviews for Library Journal, presenting programming ideas at conferences, and advising for an intern program for the Association of Rural and Small Libraries.

Cicely is passionate about learning as well as building strong communities. She believes everyone deserves to have access to resources in order to succeed.