About the Woomians

Even though our blood type is Rh D(ata) positive, we’re more than a software.

We’re a team of data scientists, tech addicts, influencer marketing strategists, and customer success devotees. Our shared (work)life mission is to create the most needed and wanted data-driven influencer marketing tool out there.

To do exactly that (and someday be able to shout out through our office windows: “Look, mom, we made it!”), we work our a** off to challenge the norms of the influencer space. And to set new standards for measuring the business impact of influencer marketing.

We are:

Psst... We have the coolest boy band C-level:

Our founder and CEO Zeth.

Zeth has a Master of Science in Economics. He never did his thesis though since he found his calling within the data-heavy SaaS and start-up space: His idea for Woomio started as his former girlfriend was an influencer working for a fashion magazine. He saw all the commercial collabs that were based on gut feeling, and was, therefore, shocked to hear about the massive budgets going down the drain. So, he decided to challenge it with his data approach.

You should also know that Zeth has done three years of specialized military training. Now, his uniform is a Woomio shirt (and thanks to that, he won the award for ‘Best Fashion Icon’ at our Christmas party). Zeth also likes to play chess in his spare time and to eat cheese on top of Nutella. Well, not all cheeses. Just matured sliced cheese. Otherwise, it would be freaky, right?

Our co-founder and CTO Torsten.

Torsten is controversial. ‘Cause he’s into… we nearly can’t say it… pineapple on pizza. However, he can’t stand raisins. But who can blame a man for not liking something that are, let’s face it, rotten grapes?

According to Torsten, when he puts on weight, 80% of it lands in the cheeks (the ones in the face, just to make that clear). Maybe that’s the (Italian) God’s punishment for eating pineapple on pizza?

Our CSO Martijn.

Martijn is a true Belgian: He likes Belgian beer as bees like honey. We don’t know if this also has something to do with his origin, but he’s that kind of type who has picked up jogging and tennis. After playing football for +25 years.

Just to make us mortal people look lazy. He enjoys eating Italian food. Partly because… well, who doesn’t? And partly because he has to since his wife is Italian (so, we guess he won’t tell her if he goes for a blasphemous pizza with Torsten).

Behind the walls: From wagging tails to ugly Christmas sweaters

Oh, we almost forgot to mention our four-legged sweethearts aka. office dogs: Simba, Minou and Mister. We often meet across teams (and species) to be social and have a good laugh (and bark). For instance, we have game nights, Halloween parties, Christmas parties, a running club, and daily ping-pong battles so we can return to our desks and meetings with boosted energy.

Also, we have Fabulous Fridays where we dress up, and – the total opposite – a yearly Christmas sweater Friday where everyone at the office wears the ugliest sweater they can find.

As you see, culture matters. Not just to us, but also to people – customers and job candidates – who see us from the outside. They’ve historically described our people as one of the main reasons why choosing us – and why they enjoy working with us.

Psst… Maybe you’d also like to work with us, whether it’s as a partner or colleague. Go check it out.
Did you know that…

Woomio stands for Word-of-mouth in operations?

But how do you explain the extra o, you might ask us. Well, just like James Bond, we think that it looks cooler with Double O (see what we did there?).

dm illustration influencer marketing